



Dual infection with PCV-2 and porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus in neonatal piglets

Hirai, T., Nunoya, T., Ihara, T., Kusanagi, K. and Shibuya, K.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Veterinary Research, 148:482-484,2001.

Abstract:Two 3-day-old,female,neonatal piglets developed diarrhea and died.Histopathological examination revealed catarrh enteritis with atrophy of villi in the small intestine.Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) antigen was detected in the cytoplasm of the epitheliums.In the submandibular and mesenteric lymph nodes,histiocytic infiltration and formation of syncytial cells were observed.Immunohistochemistry for porcine circovirus (PCV) demonstrated viral antigen in the cytoplasm of histiocytes.These virus were found to be genomically similar to PCV-2 by PCR test.These findings indicated dual infection with PEDV and PCV-2.Judging from ages and histological lesions of affected piglets,vertical transmission of PCV2 was considered.Key words:postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS)/porcine circovirus/porcine epidemic diarrhea virus/vertical transmission/swine


The Characteristics of the Precocious Line Nn-P125 of Eimeria necatrix

Onaga, H., Kitamura, K., Tajima, M. and Nakamura, T.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Journal Protozool Research, 10:90-97,2000.

Abstract:The precocious line,Nn-P125,was assayed on its characteristics relevant to an attenuated live vaccine.The Nn-P125 line was attenuated to such an extent that all chickens did not exhibited any clinical signs by oral inoculations with 9×10oocysts/bird.In contrast,the same numbers of oocysts of the parent strain killed all the birds inoculated.The prepatent period of the line was shortened about one day as compared with that of the Nn strain.These characteristics of Nn-P125 were stable throughout repeated relaxed passages in chickens.The line has an immunological potential to the extent of that chickens received 25 or more oocysts/bird resisted the challenge conducted 4 weeks after vaccination.Chicks aged 3 days or more were found to be suitable for vaccination.Based on these results,the Nn-P125 line was recognized to be an appropriate seed of an attenuated live vaccine against E.necatrix infection.


Spontaneous Ocular Lesions in Aged Crj:CD(SD)IGS Rats

Shibuya, K., Sugimoto, K. and Satou, K.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Animal Eye Research, 20:15-19,2001
Abstract:Spontaneous ocular lesions in the 57- and 109-week-old Crj:CD(SD)IGS(IGS) rats (20 males and 20 females at 57 weeks of age,17 males and 29 females at 109 weeks of age) were investigated histopathologically.At 57 weeks of age,corneal degeneration characterized by focal deposition of basophilic materials in the corneal epithelial basement membrane was observed in both sexes.Preretinal arteriolar loop,retinal dysplasia,and peripheral and diffuse retinal degeneration were detected in the 57-week-old female rats.At 109 weeks of age,corneal degeneration,cataract,and peripheral and diffuse retinal degeneration were observed in male and female rats.The incidences of corneal degeneration in the 109-week-old rats (11.8% in males and 41.4% in females) were significantly lower than those in the 57-week-old rats (50.0% in males and 75.0% in females).In contrast,the incidences of retinal degeneration in the 109-week-old rats (52.9% in males and 75.9% in females) were significantly higher than those in the 57-week-old rats (0% in males and 30.0% in females).It seems that these results contribute to characterize spontaneous ocular lesions in the aged IGS rats.


Spontaneous Ophthalmoscopic Lesions Observed in Aged F344/DuCrj Rats

Shibuya, K., Satou, K. and Amano, Y.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Animal Eye Research, 20:11-14,2001.

Abstract:To accumulate historical control data,spontaneous ophthalmic lesions in aged,110-week-old,F344/DuCrj(F344) rats (357 males and 330 females) were examined ophthalmoscopically.The incidences of the ophthalmic lesions were 19.9% in males and 20.6% in females.The most common ocular lesion in the aged rats was retinal atrophy (8.4% in males and 9.7% in females).Other common ocular lesions were cataract (3.6% in males and 4.8% in females) and abnormal vasculature of the retina (3.4% in males and 4.6% in females).Iris tumor was observed in a male rat.Other ophthalmic lesions observed included panophthalmitis,corneal opacity,keratoglobus,retinal hemorrhage,retinal icterus,edematous optic disc,and choroidal atrophy.The incidences of ocular lesions in the aged F344 rats were markedly higher than those in the young-adult F344 rats.It seems that these results contribute to characterize spontaneous ophthalmoscopic lesions in the aged F344 rats.


The kinetic changes of lymphocyte populations and cytokine profiles in chickens genetically and resistant to Marek's disease

Ohashi, K., Maeda, Y., Lee S-I., Mizutani, M.1), Sugimoto, C. and Onuma, M.
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine,Hokkaido University,
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Current progress on Marek's disease research.The 6th International Symposium on Marek's Disease :295-301,2001
Abstract:The differences in the kinetic changes of lymphocyte populations and cytokine profiles were studied between chickens genetically susceptible and resistant to Marek's disease (MD) during the early phase of MD virus (MDV) infection.A transient increase in the number of CD4+ T cells was observed in both susceptible and resistant lines of chickens at 7 days post infection (pi),but no significant difference was shown in the degree of the increase between the two lines of chickens.Instead,higher titers of MDV were re-isolated from genetically susceptible than resistant chickens.Since the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were constantly lower in the peripheral blood of the susceptible line of chickens after 10 days pi,the severity of this continuous depression may also be one of the factors determining the susceptibility to MD.The expression of cytokines,interleukin (IL)-2 and interferon (IFN)-γ,were also analyzed in both resistant and susceptible chickens by reverse-transuriptase polymerase chain reaction.Although the level of IFN-γ expression was higher in susceptible than resistant chickens during the MDV infection,the relationship between the level of IFN-γ expression and susceptibility to MD was not clarified in this study.In addition,there appeared to be little correlation between the time course of the change of lymphocyte populations and the expression levels of IL-2 after MDV infection in both resistant and susceptible chickens.Key words:interferon-γ/interleukin-2/ Marek's disease


Spontaneous neoplastic lesions and causes of death in Crj:CD(SD)IGS rats fed a commercial low protein diet in 52- and 104-week studies

Shibuya, K., Sugimoto, K., Yamazaki, M., Hirai, T., Ihara, M., Itabashi, M.
and Nunoya, T.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Biological Reference Data on Crj:CD(SD)IGS Rats-2001:138-142,2001.

Abstract:To accumulate historical data on spontaneous neoplastic lesions,untreated Crj:CD(SD)IGS(IGS) rats used in the 52- and 104-week long-term studies were examined histopathologically.These rats were fed a low protein commercial diet (18% protein content) during the studies.In the 52-week study,histiocytic sarcoma (5.0%),pituitary adenoma (5.0%) and keratoacanthoma in the skin/subcutis (5.0%) were observed in males and pituitary adenoma (20.0%) and mammary fibroadenoma (5.0%) were detected females.In the 104-week study,the most common neoplasm was pituitary adenoma in both sexes (50.0% in male and 70.0% in female).In male rats,incidences of other major neoplasms (>5.0%) were pheochromocytoma in the adrenal gland (18.0%),histiocytic sarcoma (8.0%),follicular cell adenoma and C-cell adenoma in the thyroid,and keratoacanthoma in the skin/subcutis (6.0% in each).In female rats,a total incidence of pituitary adenoma and carcinoma was 88.0%.Incidences of other major neoplasms (>5.0%) were fibroadenoma (42.0%),adenocarcinoma (18.0%) and adenoma (12.0%) in the mammary gland,endometrial stromal polyp in the uterus (8.0%),C-cell adenoma in the thyroid and pheochromocytoma in the adrenal gland (6.0% in each).No animals died until the end of the 52-week study.In the 104-week study,the most common cause of death was pituitary tumors in both sexes.Key words:Causes of death/Crj:CD(SD)IGS/Tumors/Rat


Comparison of urinary parameters between Crj:CD(SD)IGS and Crj:CD(SD) rats

Saitoh, T., Komura, H., Shibuya, K., Ihara, M., Sugimoto, K., Itabashi, M.
and Nunoya, T.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Biological Reference Data on Crj:CD(SD)IGS Rats-2001:24-28,2001.

Abstract:Urinary parameters of Crj:CD(SD)IGS (IGS) rats were collected and compared with those of Crj:CD(SD)(CD) rats that had been accumulated in our institute.The male and female IGS rats,four-week-old,were purchased and maintained in our facility by 31 weeks of age.Urine samples were collected at 8,17 and 30 weeks of age and examined.The results obtained indicated that both IGS and CD rats had similar data in almost all the parameters examined.However,the incidence of basic urine was higher than that of CD rats,in contrast,the incidences of protein and urobilinogen in urine were lower than those of CD rats.The urinary excretions of sodium,potassium and chloride were larger than those of CD rats.The urinary parameters in IGS rats obtained in the present study may be useful for toxicity studies.



研究ジャーナル 25:45-48,2002


Haemophilus parasuis血清型2および5の不活化菌体免疫豚での交差防御試験,ならびに二価不活化ワクチンの実験室内および野外試験における評価

1) 北海道網走家畜保健衛生所、2) 北海道滝川畜産試験場、
3) 静岡県中小家畜試験場
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 第63巻,第5号

要旨:Haemophilus parasuis2および5の血清型間における豚での交差防御について、不活化菌体(バクテリン)を基礎としたワクチンを用いて調べ、続いて二価ワクチンの安全性と有効性を評価した。一価ワクチン免疫豚では、2または5型の株を用いた気管内攻撃に対してホモの血清型菌による攻撃を防御したが、ヘテロの血清型菌に対しては防御しなかった。2および5型のバクテリンを含む二価ワクチンの免疫により、各血清型菌株による致死的な攻撃に対する防御を豚に付与した。2農場のSPF豚計86頭に、二価ワクチンを4週間隔で2回、筋肉内に注射した、ワクチン注射に伴う副反応は、観察されなかった。A農場由来のワクチン注射豚および非注射対照豚は、第2回注射後7日にグレーサー病の発生歴のあるB農場に移動された。移動後、対照豚は臨床症状を示し、屠場出荷までに8頭中6頭(75%)が死亡したが、ワクチン注射豚では46頭中4頭(9%)のみに死亡がみられた。グレーサー病の発生がなかったC農場では、補体結合抗体価はワクチン注射群でのみ上昇した。第2回ワクチン注射後20日および79日に実施された攻撃試験により、ワクチン群のみが防御能を発現したことが示された。これらの結果から、本二価ワクチンの安全性と有効性が、実験室内および野外試験によって確認された。
