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要旨:【背景と目的】PRRSVの野外感染豚では通常細菌などの二次感染を伴うため、多彩な肺炎像が観察される。PRRSVによる豚の肺病変を解析するため、本ウイルスの実験感染豚の肺について病理学的検索を行った。【材料と方法】PCV2, PRRSV陰性の9週齢豚にPRRSVの高用量(107TCID50/ml/pig)及び低用量(104TCID50/ml/pig)を鼻腔内接種し、接種1週後及び2週後に剖検して、肺、肺リンパ節及び扁桃を採取した。病理組織学的解析にはHE染色、マッソントリクローム染色及びMac 387、cytokeratin 8並びにPRRSVに対する免疫染色を実施した。また感染臓器のウイルス力価測定及びreal time RT-PCRによるPRRSV RNAの定量を行った。【結果】免疫染色、ウイルス力価測定及びreal time RT-PCRにより肺病変部からPRRSVが検出され、それらはPRRSV高用量及び低用量接種豚間で有意な差は認められなかった。病理組織学的解析では肺胞壁及び小葉間中隔の肥厚、気管支・細気管支及び血管周囲にリンパ球浸潤が認められ、肺病変はウイルス接種2週後でより進行し、肺胞上皮の腫大及び増生による肺胞壁の重度肥厚や肺胞内へのマクロファージ、多核巨細胞の滲出及び細胞崩壊物の充満が認められた。また免疫染色では肺におけるPRRSVの主要感染細胞は肺胞マクロファージであった。PRRSV陽性細胞は肺リンパ節では胚中心に局在し、扁桃では扁平上皮層においても認められ、それらの形態学的特徴からマクロファージまたは濾胞樹状細胞と考えられた。【考察】PRRSVの実験感染により間質性肺炎が認められ、その病像はPRRSV接種2週後でより高度であった。病変形成機序におけるPRRSV感染細胞の関わりについては今後の検討がさらに必要と思われる。
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Oral delivery of enteric-coated TGE vaccine protects piglets from TGE by passive transfer of maternal antibodies.
Takeyama, N.1), Sato, T.1), Hosokawa, T.1), Sato, I.1), Sugiyama, M.2), Yamada, H.1)
and Kusanagi, K.1)
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science, 2) Freund Corporation
9th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium, 2010, Tokyo
Abstract: Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) invades intestinal epitherial cells and causes severe diarrhea in neonatal piglets. Since piglets are unable to produce antibodies at early stage of suckling period, a passive transfer of TGEV-specific maternal antibodies to intestinal tracts of neonates is the major protective measure against TGEV infection. In this study, we orally administrated TGE vaccine encapsulated in enteric capsules to pregnant sows and evaluated the vaccine efficacy to protect their offspring against TGE. The enteric capsules consisted of three layers; a hydrophilic core containing live attenuated H5 strain of TGEV, lipophilic intermediate layer to protect the core, and enteric outer shell to maintain its particle structure. The capsules remained solid in an artificial gastric fluid but gradually dissolved in an artificial intestinal fluid in vitro. To evaluate vaccine efficacy of the TGEV-capsules, two pregnant sows were immunized by using different prime-boost protocols; one sow (C-L) was primed with an oral administration of the capsules and boosted with an intramuscular infection with the live attenuated TGEV H5 strain, and the other (Cx5) was prime-boosted with five consecutive oral administrations of the capsules. Both of the vaccine protocols elicited TGEV-specific IgG, IgA and neutralizing antibody responses in sera and colostrum/milk, while the responses in the C-L were significantly higher than those in the Cx5.Following deliveries, neonates of the C-L and Cx5 were fed either with their own mother’s colostrum/milk or with artificial milk. The neonates fed with colostrums/milk showed TGEV-specific antibodies in their sera, implying a passive transfer of maternal antibodies. At 2 days after birth, all of the neonates were challenged with a virulent TGEV strain. The neonates of the C-L and Cx5 fed with artificial milk exhibited severe TGE clinical symptoms at one day post infection (dpi) and most of the piglets died by 4 dpi. In contrast, the onsets of TGE in the piglets fed with their own mother’s colostrum/milk were delayed, and they were survived during the experimental period. In conclusion, the oral TGE vaccine delivery using enteric capsule elicited lactogenic immunity to pigs that protected offspring from TGE by a passive transfer of maternal immunity. The vaccine delivery system would be useful to protect against TGEV and other pathogens that infect their host via mucosal surfaces.
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Rice-based oral vaccine of cholera toxin B subunit for the protection of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection in pigs.
Takeyama, N.1), Tokuhara, D.2), Nochi, T.2), Oroku, K.1), Nagai, S.3), Chubachi, A.2), Tuchiya, K.3), Yuki, Y.1) and Kiyono, H.1)
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science,
2) Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, 3) Nisseiken Co Ltd.
BIT’s 3rd Annual World Vaccine Congress, 2011, Beijing
Abstract: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infections result in large economic losses in pig industry, since it causes diarrhea to both neonatal and weaned pigs. E.coli enterotoxins, particularly heat-labile toxin (LT) are the key virulence factor in ETEC diarrhea, as well as fimbriae. We previously reported that oral immunization of mice with a rice-based vaccine that expressed cholera toxin B subunit (MucoRice-CTB) induced CT specific antibody responses against CTB and protected mice from Vibrio cholerae or ETEC challenge. In this study, we applied the vaccination technique to miniature pigs, and examined the efficacy of MucoRice-CTB against pig ETEC infection. Contrary to intramuscular administration of recombinant CTB to pigs, oral administration of a frequent dose of MucoRice-CTB induced secretory IgA in the intestinal mucosa as well as systemic IgG antibodies against CTB in pigs. These anti-CTB antibodies also reacted with recombinant LT B subunit, suggesting antibody neutralizing activity against LT. Intestinal loop assay with ETEC strain S7 was performed with MucoRice-CTB immunized pigs as an alternative method to ETEC oral challenge. As a result, the fluid volume accumulated in the loops in pigs immunized with MucoRice-CTB was significantly lower than these in pigs receiving WT rice, indicating that MucoRice-CTB could protect pigs from diarrhea caused by ETEC. Our studies have demonstrated the feasibility of using rice-based vaccine as a mucosal vaccine to domesticate pigs.
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Production of Cloned NIBS Miniature Pigs by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.
Horii, W., Shimatsu, Y., Sakamoto, Y., Sano, J., Saitoh, T. and Nunoya, T.
Nippon Institute for Biological Science
The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2010
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to produce cloned NIBS (Nippon Institute for Biological Science) miniature pigs by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Fresh pig ovaries were brought from local slaughterhouses, and oocytes were collected from them and then cultured in medium 199 Eagle’s for 37 to 44 h. A micromanipulation system was used for SCNT and electro cell fusion. The first polar body and the metaphase-II chromosomes of cumulus-free oocytes were removed in HEPES-buffered medium 199 Eagle’s and single fibroblast cells were transferred into the perivitelline space of oocytes. Fibroblast cells were isolated from a fetus on day 30 of the NIBS miniature pig. The embryos were removed in a mannitol-based solution, and fused and activated with an electric stimulus (single DC pulse) by an electro cell fusion generator. In addition, a chemical stimulus for activation was applied to embryo cultures in porcine zygote medium-5 supplemented 2 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine. Eighty eight to 144 cloned embryos were transferred to 11 NIBS miniature pigs with their estrous cycles controlled by the altrenogest-drug treatment. The cloned embryo transfer was carried out by an exploratory laparotomy. Five of the eleven recipients farrowed and 13 cloned piglets were born, including 5 stillbirths. In conclusion, cloned NIBS miniature pigs can be successfully produced by SCNT.
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Acquired immunity against bovine Eimeria is species-specific but not cross-protective.
Kawahara, F.1), Zhang, G.1), Tamura, Y.2), Koiwa, M.3), Onuma, M.1) and Nunoya, T.1)
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science,
2) Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University,
3) School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
9th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium, Tokyo, 2010
Abstract: Calves are generally susceptible to coccidiosis and immunity developing after exposure gives protection for later infection, which may reflect rather acquired immunity than age resistance. Although acquired immunity against bovine coccidiosis is considered species-specific, few experimental studies have been conducted to investigate the specificity of immunity. In order to evaluate the effect of primary infection on acquired immunity, we planned following 2 experiments. In the first experiment, one calf (No. 1) was inoculated orally with one million oocysts of Eimeria zuernii. The infective material was isolated from faeces of one naturally infected calf. After the inoculation, faecal samples were taken regularly from the rectum and examined for consistency and oocyst excretion. The calf shed many oocysts which reached to 1.6 million as maximum OPG and developed coccidiosis as haemorrhagic diarrhoea on around 22 days after the inoculation. On 40 days when the clinical coccidiosis disappeared, the calf was challenged with the same dose of E. zuernii again. However, no oocyst excretion and no change of faecal condition were observed. In the second experiment, one calf (No. 2) was primarily inoculated with 100,000 oocysts of E. zuernii isolated from faecal sample of the calf No. 1. Faecal samples were collected and tested same as the first experiment. Although diarrhoetic faeces was observed from 27 through 31 days after inoculation, oocyst excretion was very low level which approximated to less than one thousand as OPG. The calf and an additional calf (No. 3) were challenged with ten-fold of E. zuernii oocysts at 42 days. The calf No. 2 perfectly protected against the first challenge, whereas the calf No. 3 without the primary inoculation shed many oocysts and developed coccidiosis represented by diarrhoea. Both calves were further challenged with two million oocysts consisted of mixture of E. auburnensis and E. bovis at 88 days after the primary inoculation. Both calves could not protect against infection with these parasites, shed a high number of oocysts and developed severe diarrhoea. The primary infection obviously induced protective immunity against challenge of the same species of bovine Eimeria but no protection across different species. From the present experiment it was concluded that acquired immunity against bovine coccidiosis was mainly of species-specific but not cross-protective among species. |
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要旨:[背景と目的]牛コクシジウム原虫種はオーシストの形態によって鑑別されているが、類似した複数種が混在している場合、正確な鑑別は困難である。これまでに本原虫において遺伝子学的解析に基づく鑑別法は報告されていない。今回、我々は6種の牛コクシジウム原虫(E. alabamensis、E. auburnensis、E. bovis、E. cylindrica、E. ellipsoidalisおよびE. zuernii)を対象にして、客観的な鑑別方法を確立するためにITS-1領域の塩基配列の解析、その配列に基づく系統解析および種鑑別PCR法の検討を行った。[方法]野外の牛糞便からオーシストを分離し、形態による鑑別で複数種の混在がない、もしくは一種が優勢であると判断したサンプルからDNAを抽出した。塩基配列の保存性が高い18S rDNAおよび5.8S rDNAにプライマーを設計し、ITS-1領域を含んでPCR増幅させた。ITS-1領域の塩基配列に基づく系統解析および種固有の塩基配列に基づく種特異的プライマーの設計を行った。[結果]ITS-1領域の塩基配列の相同性は、同種間では91.9~100%、異種間では21.2~75.4%を示した。異種間で相同性が最も高かったのはE. bovisとE. zuerniiであり、これらは系統解析においても一つのクラスターを形成した。他の5種のITS-1領域長が373~418bpsであるのに対し、E. alabamensisは220bpsと極めて短かった。設計した種特異的プライマーは複数種の混在の有無に関わらず予想したPCR産物を増幅し、その検出限界はオーシストに換算して20個以下であると考えられた。[総括]牛コクシジウム原虫のITS-1領域の塩基配列の差異は、同種間では少ない一方で異種間では多く、種特異的な部位を特定することが可能であった。確立した種鑑別PCR法は複数種が混在した材料であっても、種特異的に増幅することが可能であり、牛コクシジウム病の診断や疫学的調査に有用であると期待される。
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Eimeria tenellaメロゾイト表面タンパク質Mzp 5-7 cDNAのクローニング及び
要旨:【背景と目的】 鶏コクシジウム原虫から抽出した抗原を用いる血清学的診断法は、虫体の準備が煩雑である上に種間で交差反応性が高く、種特異的な評価には適していない。本研究では、E. tenellaに特異的な抗原を利用して種特異的な感染抗体を検出する系を構築した。【クローニング及び組換え発現】 Eimeria tenellaのメロゾイト表面に局在するMzp 5-7タンパク質をコードするcDNAをクローニングし塩基配列を決定した。塩基配列の情報をもとに細胞外ドメインにHisタグを付加したMzp 5-7タンパク質を発現する組換えバキュロウイルスを作製した。本ウイルスを昆虫細胞に感染させたところ、予想される分子量23 kDaの組換えタンパク質の発現が確認された。【ELISA法への応用】本組換えタンパク質をNi-NTAカラムを用いて精製し、ELISA抗原とした。種特異的な感染抗体の検出が可能かどうかを評価するため、E. acervulina、E. brunetti、E. maxima、E. necatrixおよびE. tenellaそれぞれの感染血清を用いてELISA法を実施した。本組換えタンパク質は、E. tenellaの感染血清とのみ強く反応し、他の4種の感染血清とはほとんど反応が認められなかった。さらに、E. tenellaを含有した市販の鶏コクシジウム生ワクチンを投与した鶏の感染血清を用いて、本ELISA法の評価を行った。繰り返し感染が起こらないケージ内で飼育した鶏に4週間隔で2回、1ドーズずつ生ワクチンを投与した。初回投与後2週から本ELISA法によって血清中に抗体が検出され、投与後4週にピークを示した。さらに、二回目のワクチン投与後2週に二度目のピークを示した後、漸次減少した。【総括】本組換えタンパク質を用いたELISA法は、E. tenellaの感染抗体を特異的に検出することが可能であり、生ワクチンの評価や野外の疫学調査に有用であると考えられた。
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第260回 鶏病事例検討会、2010年