



Effect of inactivated type 2 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus possessing a small number of n-linked glycosylation sites in glycoprotein 5 as a vaccine against homologous and heterologous strains.

Sato, T.1), Taira, O.1), Nagao, A.1), Oroku, K.1), and Tsutsumi, N.1)
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science
International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases (ISERPD2015), Kyoto Japan
Abstract: The modified-live virus (MLV) and killed virus (KV) vaccines are commercially available for the control of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in the worldwide. The PRRS KV vaccine is much safer than MLV vaccine in respect of a risk for reversion to virulence in the field use; however, in general, it is thought to be less immunogenic than the MLV vaccine. We isolated Gu922M strain of type 2 PRRS virus from a pig affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in Japan. In contrast to the majority of PRRSV strains having four N-linked glycosylation sites in the viral glycoprotein 5 (GP5) containing a major neutralizing epitope, Gu922M possesses only two glycosylation sites in the GP5. The presence of glycans around the neutralizing epitope has been suggested to interfere with the neutralizing antibody response against PRRS virus. In this study, we attempted to develop a KV vaccine using Gu922M and evaluated the efficacy of this vaccine candidate homologous and heterologous PRRS virus challenges.


Oral delivery of enteric-coated TGE vaccine protects piglets from TGE by passive transfer of maternal antibodies

Takeyama, N.1), Sato, T.1), Hosokawa, T.1), Sato, I.1), Sugiyama, M.2), and Kusanagi, K.1)
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science
2) Freund Corporation
Asian Pig Veterinary Society Congress 2015, Manila
Abstract: 【Introduction】 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) invades intestinal epitherial cells and causes severe diarrhea in neonatal piglets. A passive transfer of TGEV-specific maternal antibodies to intestinal tracts of neonates is the major protective measure against TGEV infection. In this study, we orally administrated TGE vaccine encapsulated in enteric capsules to pregnant sows and evaluated the vaccine efficacy to protect their neonates against TGE. 【Materials and methods】 The enteric capsules consisted of three layers; a hydrophilic core containing live attenuated H5 strain of TGEV, lipophilic intermediate layer, and enteric outer shell to maintain its particle structure. To evaluate vaccine efficacy of the TGEV-capsules, two pregnant sows were immunized by using different prime-boost protocols; one sow (C-L) was primed orally with TGEV capsules and boosted with the intramuscular administration of the live attenuated TGEV H5 strain. The other sow (Cx5) was prime-boosted with five consecutive oral administrations of TGEV capsules. 【Result】 The TGEV capsule remained solid in artificial gastric fluid (pH3), and gradually dissolved in artificial intestinal fluid (pH7) in vitro (Figure1). Both vaccination protocols elicited TGEV-specific IgG, IgA and neutralizing antibody responses in sera and colostrum/milk (Figure2). After farrowing neonates from the C-L and Cx5 sows were fed either with their mother's milk or with artificial milk. The neonates fed with mother's milk showed TGEV-specific antibodies in their sera, implying a passive transfer of maternal antibodies. All neonates were challenged with a virulent TGEV strain at 2 day after birth. The neonates fed with artificial milk exhibited severe TGE clinical symptoms at one day post infection (dpi) and most of them died by 4 dpi. In contrast, the onsets of TGE in the piglets fed with mother's milk were delayed, and they survived during the experimental period. The vaccine delivery system using enteric-coated capsule would be useful to protect against TGEV and other pathogens that infect their host via mucosal surfaces.


Efficacy of APM777 vaccine in pigs challenged with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2

Oshima, A.1), Ho T.1), Kamada, T.1), Teshima, K.1), Tsutsumi N.1)
1) Nippon Institute for Biological Science
Asian Pig Veterinary Society Congress 2015, Manila
Abstract 【Introduction】 Respiratory syndrome in swine, porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) has been described as an important cause of decreased productivity in swine. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp) are the most important pathogens associated with PRDC. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of APM777 vaccine, assess its ability to induce specific antibodies, and determine its ability to reduce App pneumonia. 【Materials and methods】 Safety and efficacy of APM777 vaccine in mice The vaccine contains 7 components in alum adjuvant, inactivated bacterin of Mhp, three inactivated App cells (serovars 1, 2 and 5), three toxoids (recombinant ApxI, ApxII and ApxIII). The tests for Safety and efficacy were carried out according to the procedure described in the Japanese Standard of Veterinary biological Products. For safety test, each of 10 mice was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with 0.5 ml of the vaccine. Health status and body weight were monitored and recorded just before and 7 days after the injection. For App efficacy test, mice were immunized i.p. with 0.5 ml of the vaccine preparation diluted 1:20 with PBS. Two weeks after the immunization, the immunized and control mice (10 each) were challenged with App serovars 1, 2 and 5. Mouse mortality was monitored daily for the following 7 days. For Mhp efficacy test, each of 10 mice were immunized i.p. with 1 ml of the vaccine. Blood samples were collected at week 4 after the immunization for the determination of anti-Mhp antibodies by ELISA. Safety and efficacy of APM777 vaccine in pigs Trial. 1. SPF pigs (five per group) were vaccinated intramuscularly with 2 mL of APM 777 vaccine twice at 4-week intervals. The vaccinated pigs were daily observed for adverse reactions following injection of the vaccine. Eight weeks after the second immunization, the vaccinated and control pigs were challenged with about 10^3 cfu/head of App 2 via intratracheal route. Trial. 2. Pigs were vaccinated at 3- or 5-week intervals. Two weeks after the second injection, the vaccinated and control pigs were challenged as mentioned above. In both trials, after the challenge, clinical signs and death were monitored and recorded. Dead pigs were autopsied on the day of death, and pigs that survived were euthanized and autopsied 1 week after challenge. 【Result and Discussion】 Safety and efficacy testing in mice None of the mice treated with APM 777 showed any abnormal clinical signs. The average body weight returned to the starting level on day 4. After challenge with App serovars 1, 2 and 5; 9 to 10 (90 to 100%) of the control mice died within 4 days. In contrast, 9 to 10 (90 to 100%) of the immunized mice survived until day 7, when the experiment was terminated. The average anti-Mhp antibody titer in sera of mice immunized was 2,560±SD, whereas that in sera of the control mice was 20±SD. Safety and efficacy testing in pigs Abnormal clinical signs or local reactions were not observed in all pigs following the vaccination. After challenge with App serovar 2; 4 of 5 control pigs died, while 4 of 5 vaccinated pigs survived. All the animals developed pulmonary lesions, pigs immunized with APM 777 vaccine had significantly lower lesion scores of App pneumonia than the control pigs (5.8 vs 11.2). Antibody titers to the App serovars 1, 2 and 5 as well as ApxI, ApxIII and Mhp antigens in vaccinated group were higher than those of control group at 8 weeks after the second immunization. Interval between 1st and 2nd vaccination in pig After vaccination, no pigs got fever. Four of the five controls died, while all vaccinated pigs in 3 and 5 weeks intervals survived. All the animals developed pulmonary lesions, with a mean lesion score of 6.0, 3.8 and 9.0 in the 3, 5 weeks and control groups, respectively. The antibody response of 3 and 5 interval vaccinated group at 2 weeks after the second injection was higher than control group.



1) 一般財団法人日本生物科学研究所
【要旨】腸管毒素原性大腸菌 (Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli: ETEC) は、早期および離乳期の豚に罹患し、毒素を原因とする水溶性下痢を引き起こす。大腸菌の産生する易熱性毒素であるheat labile toxin (LT)に相同性の高い毒素であるコレラ毒素Bサブユニット(CTB)を発現させた組換え米(MucoRice-CTB)が、肥育豚および妊娠豚の粘膜免疫を誘導するかについて調べた。2ヶ月齢ミニブタへの4回経口投与することで筋肉内投与法と比較して高い血中CTB特異的IgAの産生を認めた。次に、母豚からの移行抗体により新生豚を早発性下痢から防御するワクチネーションプログラムに即し、妊娠豚に妊娠前に3回、分娩後5日で1回MucoRice-CTBの経口免疫を行った。免疫した母豚の初乳および経過2週間の常乳にCTB特異的IgGおよびIgAの分泌が認められ、乳汁抗体はCT毒素に対して中和効果を示した。また、産生された抗体のLTへの交差性も確認された。以上のことから、MucoRice-CTB経口ワクチンによる受動免疫が、豚ETECによる早発性下痢の防御に有効である可能性が示された。


1) 一般財団法人日本生物科学研究所
本ワクチンを妊娠期間中に2回筋肉内接種された母豚から生まれた子豚に対して、2013年に国内で新たに発生した遺伝子型の野外株を用いた攻撃試験を実施した。非免疫対照群の子豚に比べ、免疫母豚の乳汁を摂取している子豚では、臨床症状の軽減および生存率の向上が認められた。また、攻撃後の子豚の諸臓器において、ウイルス遺伝子量の有意な減少を認めた。PEDワクチンを接種している野外農場では、非接種農場に比べて高い中和抗体価を示し、PED発生から沈静化までの期間が短い事例も存在した。以上より、本ワクチンは新型野外株に対しても、有効な対策手段であると考えられた。  将来、より効果の高いPEDワクチンを開発するためには、PEDの局所感染症としての病態を十分に理解することが必要である。また、新しいPEDワクチンは、母豚1頭の免疫で一腹の子豚に免疫付与可能な乳汁免疫の効率的な受動免疫の仕組みを維持しつつ、母豚が重篤な全身症状を示すことのないように、母豚により高度な能動免疫を誘導することを念頭に開発されるべきであろう。


1) 一般財団法人日本生物科学研究所
第3回日本獣医病理学専門家協会学術集会スライドフォーラム 2016年
要旨:ある農場で臨床症状を示さず健康状態が良好に見える個体の突然死が散発した。症例の鶏舎では、雛の導入から181日齢までの減耗率は通常レベルであった。現場獣医師による剖検では心尖部鈍化を伴う心臓の腫大、脾臓の高度腫大、肝臓の腫大・褪色が観察された。固定後の心臓割面では、黄白色ないし褪色した帯状領域が右心室壁ならびに左心室壁と心室中隔の移行部に観察された。左心室壁内側から心室中隔にかけて多数の球菌集塊からなる細菌塞栓により心筋線維の過収縮帯形成と凝固壊死した急性心筋梗塞巣がみられ、梗塞巣辺縁には好中球浸潤の顕著な分界線を形成していた。左心室壁外側から心室中隔および右心室壁かけては心筋線維の壊死・脱落、マクロファージを主体とした炎症細胞浸潤および軽度の線維増生を示す亜急性梗塞巣がみられ、周辺には再生心筋線維と思われる多核化した大型心筋線維が散見された。右心室壁から心室中隔への移行部では心外膜や心筋線維間に偽好酸球を主体とした炎症細胞が浸潤し、細菌塞栓と同様の球菌が混在していた。病巣部の間断連続切片では心室中隔の梗塞巣に隣接した冠状動脈分枝に異物巨細胞反応を伴った塞栓や血管炎、血管壁の破綻、冠状動脈細分枝の塞栓などが観察され、それらの管腔は末梢側でより拡張していた。Troponin-T抗体を用いた免疫染色では梗塞巣以外の残存した心筋線維および多核化した心筋線維が陽性を示した。また、塞栓および炎症巣内の球菌はグラム染色およびStaphylococcus aureus抗体に陽性を示し、パラフィン包埋切片からの抽出DNAを用いたPCR法では黄色ブドウ球菌に特異的なDNA産物が得られた。ニワトリの突然死については、川田らの報告がある。その報告では臨床症状を示さず突然死したニワトリの54例中4例の心臓に細菌塞栓性冠状動脈炎がみられたと記載されている。黄色ブドウ球菌感染などに起因した細菌性冠状動脈塞栓による心筋梗塞はヒトやイヌなど他の動物種でも報告されている。その発症メカニズムは、菌血症や敗血症から心内膜炎や血管炎などが生じて血栓塞栓症が誘発・促進され、心筋梗塞が発生すると考えられている。本症例も同様のメカニズムが推測された。一方、細菌性心筋炎はさまざまな動物種でみられ、原因菌としてブドウ球菌やレンサ球菌、ヒストフィルス菌、ボレリア菌などが報告されており、本症例はそれらの組織所見に類似していた。