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Hereditary visual impairment in a new mutant strain of chicken,GSN/1
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Acta Neuropathol, 103:137-144,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Cystic opacity of the lens in stroke prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
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Establishment of Inbred strains of chicken and Japanese quail and their potential as animal models
Experimental Animals, 51(5):417-429,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Microsatellite loci in Japanese quail and cross-species amplification in chicken and guinea fowl
Boniface Baboreka Kayang, et al.
Genetics Selection Evolution, 34:233-253,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Phylogenetic analysis in chicken breeds inferred from complete cytochrome b gene information
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Polymorphisms and the differential antiviral activity of the chicken Mx gene
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Insertional mutation of the Attractin gene in the black tremor hamster
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Localization of the muscular dystrophy AM locus using a chicken linkage map constructed with the Kobe University resource family
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細菌毒素研究の最先端と獣医学領域における臨床応用Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae-RTX-細胞毒素(Apx)を用いたワクチン開発
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Expression in Escherichia coli and purification of the functional feline granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 90:169-177,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Differential alloreactivity at SLA-DR and -DQ matching in two-way mixed lymphocyte culture
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Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 86:77-84,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Dermatotoxicity in the hypotrichotic (htr) rabbit derived from the Japanese White (JW-NIBS) strain rabbit
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Minimum molecular architecture for transcription and replication of the influenza virus
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Scineces, USA 99:13166-13171,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Growth phase-coupled alterations in cell structure and function of Escherichia coli
Makinoshima,H., et al.
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Two different modes of transcription repression of the E.coli acetate operon by IclR
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Molecular Microbiology, 47:183-194,2003.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Attempts to Separate Female Ascaris suum Antigen and to Investigate its Partial Characterization
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The Veterinary Journal, 165:164-168,2003.(新しいウィンドウ)
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Analysis of cDNA Coding MHC Class Ⅱ β Chain of The Chimpanzee(Pan troglodytes)
Hatta,Y., et al.
Experimental Animals, 51(2):133-142,2002.(新しいウィンドウ)